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Feel Festival has always been socially involved in the region around our beloved Bergheider See and beyond. It is not only important to us to strengthen local structures and institutions, but also to support incredibly valuable work by international organizations. So, if we consider ourselves to be a big Feel family, we can achieve great things, if only everyone contributes a little bit. And you also support these projects year after year with your loyalty and the trust that you place in us as a festival and thus make an important contribution so that their work can continue.
When selecting donation partners, we orientate ourselves on the one hand to the needs of the region and on the other hand to subject areas that appear important to us in our festival context and in the broader global-political sense. In 2019, we supported our friends from Lemonaid & Charitea e.V. in their worldwide work with € 1,813.
One of our collectives, led by Valentin Aurich, was also committed to donating € 2,000 to Doctors Without Borders to support this essential work.
In a regional context, we sponsored the SV Blau-Weiß 19 Lichterfeld, which has also become a wonderful focal point for us during our summers at Bergheider See with € 450, so that they can continue their valuable youth work in the region. Last but not least, the Chill out e.V. – Association for the Promotion of Accepting Youth and Drug Work also received support of € 4,000 from us.
In all of our campaigns, transparency is of course always very important to us and our partners. If you would like to know more about the projects that are supported with the funds, you are welcome to find out more on their websites or contact them directly.
We would also like to thank you, of course – because without your support that would not have been possible!