Feel Festival Newsletter

We send a newsletter about 2-3 times a year to you, our Feel Community. There, you will be the first to learn about the start of advance booking, receive specials and exclusive information about the festival from us, and shortly before the festival, you will receive important and useful information along the way. Join us […]

Map and Timetable 2019

Here you can find all acts on the timetable of Feel Festival 2019: Timetable 2019 (Klick!) And here is the map from Feel Festival 2019: Lageplan 2019 (Klick!)  

Retrospect Feel Festival 2019

Now the last sounds of a fulminant seventh Feel Festival have really come to an end and we are coming back to reality very slowly. We are more than touched by the fact that once again we have all managed, for five days, to realize a utopian space that has seized and carried away every […]

Together against climate change

Greenhouse gas emissions have been rising for years and yet coal, oil and gas are still being mined. Our politicians are doing nothing to avert the climate crisis. At Feel Festival, we are aware of our responsibility as organizers and try to minimize our environmental footprint as much as possible and also to help our […]